I became quadriplegic in 1978. It took me six years to get enough strength in my right arm to be able to drive again. It was so exciting to know that someone had invented a van that I could drive with limited use of one arm. Thanks, Charlie Scott, who designed the van to drive much like an airplane. To get my license, I practiced with a therapist from Sharp Rehab Hospital for 1,000 miles! The hardest part of learning to drive was using the six mirrors I needed to be able to see the other motorists around me. Qualifying for funding from the state was harder than learning to drive…I have now been driving for over 25 years and am on my second Scott van. I am so grateful to Ruedi, Bill and all the others at DSI for all their work and support in been able to remain working, stay active in my church and continue doing community service—in addition, I can be impulsive in planning outings. Thanks again DSI!